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Internship Field: Power Engineering

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Host: Siemens AG, Steam Turbines

Location: Mülheim an der Ruhr

Duration: 3 months in spring of 2015


Description: "I identified and incorporated new optimization algorithms into optimization software for steam turbine blade design. In addition, I created post-processing capabilities for optimization software, in order to deliver resulting data in a format useful for making decisions regarding turbine blade design."

Comments: "My tasks were definitely worthwhile, interesting, and engaging. I got to practice and learn more about coding, steam turbines, and working with optimization toolkits. The internship showed me a bit more about mechanical engineering work in research and development, and also gave me programming experience outside a classroom. It was also an interesting window into a male-dominated engineering field in Germany. I enjoyed meeting and working with my German colleagues and other interns and hearing bits and pieces about German culture."

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