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Michael Morrisey

Field: Marketing, Buisness Development

Major/minor: Management Science & Engineering, Computer Science

Host: Cosinuss GmbH (Mobile Health Solutions)

Duration: 3 months in summer 2018

Job title: Product Marketing and Business Development Intern


Job description:Development of a comprehensive to-market strategy for a new medical device product from Cosinuss. Prominent tasks included extensive research into potential partners and stakeholders, constructing economic and statistical models for foreign market comparison, and designing commercialization strategy and work plans for an EU funding application. I worked across several teams within the company in order to design the most effective and efficient budget and strategy for all parties involved.

These projects were great practice in market research, technical writing, and project management. I hope to pursue a career in product and brand management, where these skills will certainly be helpful. The extensive research into the German and several other foreign markets was really interesting. I developed a much better sense of market size estimations and potential consumer adoption rates, which can be applied in many industries.

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